While practice makes perfect in mathematics, it does not
have to be boring. PLANETii prides itself on creating an online
learning environment where children WANT to learn.
During the early stages of math development, it is more important
for parents to foster their children's interest and curiosity
in mathematics than to force memorization of math facts or
procedures. The repercussion of such force will be a growing
resistance towards mathematics which will make it even harder
for the child to succeed in the long run.
PLANETii has carefully designed a motivational system with
a heavy emphasis on intrinsic factors within the children's
online environment. A student who is INTRINSICALLY motivated
undertakes an activity "for its own sake, for the enjoyment
it provides, the learning it permits, or the feelings of accomplishment
it evokes." (Mark Lepper, Professor of Developmental
Psychology at Stanford University, 1988)
With children's limited attention span, we aim to help children
get the most benefit out of the time they spend doing mathematics
on PLANETii through our interactive, fun and fulfilling experience.